During this unprecedented time, we plan to continue offering our services and operate our offices going forward, with contingencies in place to limit staff and customer exposure.
Staff are working remotely and office staff are working alternating days and possibly limited hours, field staff are generally outdoors and not in close proximity to others (site dependant, local restrictions apply and subject to change), therefore please do not hesitate to contact us with your enquiry, we may take a little longer to reply but we will reply!
Telephone and email communication will be continuous throughout.
Stay safe!
The Mason Team.
Dunfermline: 01383 623112
info@masonsurveys.co.uk – all enquiries
dunfermline@masonmap.com – all Ordnance Survey & Reprogrpahics enquiries
Heathrow: 0208 757 5905
william@masonsurveys.co.uk – all Southern & Infrastructure enquiries